Thursday, December 25, 2014

This love has taken its toll on me

So he hasn't answered my texts for a fortnight now actually 19 days to be exact.  He is either dead, has no wifi, or is ignoring me.  I dont mind if he is ignoring me because I do that too sometimes.   I guess that means I'm done.  No more drunk dialing.  No more stupid texts on his birthday.   Nothing.  I'm moving on and I mean it this time one more drunken text is all I'm allowing myself.  Which will happen on new years eve when I'm very drunk.  And then goodbye.  Goodbye to your memories.  Goodbye to those air conditioned summers.  I'm almost done using the cologne I bought for his birthday.   It still reminds me of him but it's a limited edition so I'll probably never smell it again.  I hate this part.   The part where you have to force yourself to let go because I think I still love him but it can't go on because it's starting to tread into stalker territory.  I know I'll regret this one way or another but it's been way to long i met him in June 2010.  That was the best summer ever.  And now it's just a memory that I will lock away in my head where I can't remember it.  A memory that will be blocked out until I hear his name or pass his st or even see him again.  THE END I HOPE

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